5 Reasons Why Exotic Birds Are Given Up

2020-06-16T09:25:24-07:00June 16th, 2020|Parrot Education|

Article by Laurie Hess of Positively According to the Avian Welfare Coalition, parrots and other exotic birds are the fourth-largest group of animals kept as pets, and they comprise the largest population of captive wildlife in the U.S. With these statistics, it’s not surprising that birds have become one of the fastest-growing groups of unwanted [...]

10 Things You Need to Know Before Adopting a Bird

2019-09-20T08:06:38-07:00June 24th, 2014|Parrot Education|

by Petfinder http://www.petfinder.com/pet-adoption/other-pet-adoption/bird-adoption-tips/ MONICA ENGEBRETSON 1. Birds are not domesticated animals. Domestic animals are animals that have been bred for hundreds of years to live in the care of humans and are distinct from their wild ancestors. Birds commonly kept as pets are no different than their wild relatives – they are the native species [...]

Toys You Can Make

2019-09-20T08:08:11-07:00June 11th, 2014|Parrot Education|

Coconut Shell and Bell Toys Equipment: Coconut shell, keys or bell, white cotton rope or white cotton shoelaces without the tips. To crack open the coconut follow the directions that may come with it. Some grocery stores will crack them open for you at no charge. Or you can buy coconuts that have already been [...]

Toy Safety

2019-09-20T08:10:40-07:00June 11th, 2014|Parrot Education|

Birds chew. Birds love to chew. Wood toys meet this desire. However, care must be taken to make sure that the wood doesn't not get wet or dirty. Wet and soiled toys foster the growth of bacteria. Also, wood can splinter. A bird, Toby, loved to chew her wood toys. One splintered while she was [...]


2019-09-20T08:17:19-07:00June 11th, 2014|Parrot Education|

By varying the types of perches that your bird uses you can cut down on foot-related problems that may occur. Ideally, by using different types of perches that vary in thickness, texture and hardness, we are mimicking what the bird would use in the wild. Most cages come equipped with 1 or 2 wooden dowels. [...]

For The Cage

2019-09-20T08:19:25-07:00June 11th, 2014|Parrot Education|

Bedding Materials Grating: Needs cleaning often, should not be used with birds that suffer from night fright due to possible injury. Keeps the bird from going down to play in the bedding material. May or may not work that way. Newspaper: No shiny color print due to toxicity. Cheap, easy to clean, can turn white [...]

Grooming and Your Bird

2019-09-20T08:20:43-07:00June 11th, 2014|Parrot Education|

Why is it so important to groom your bird on a regular basis? Birds benefit from baths, nail trims, and wing trims. Nails, if not properly cut, can catch and snag on toys or materials, and the bird risks injury. Wings properly trimmed not only keep a tame bird from flying away, but it helps [...]

Feather Loss: Cause and Treatment

2019-09-20T08:21:27-07:00June 11th, 2014|Parrot Education|

Identifying causes of feather loss There are numerous causes of feather loss in birds - the first step toward treatment is to determine the cause. Obvious physical clues give us a direction to pursue, not a diagnosis. Birds have a limited number of symptoms to tell us they are sick; these few symptoms represent a [...]

Putting a First Aid Kit Together

2019-09-20T08:23:04-07:00June 11th, 2014|Parrot Education|

Know how to restrain your bird properly. Knowing this may just save your bird's life! When a bird is injured, you will need to stop the bleeding before you take your bird to the avian veterinarian. Apply direct pressure to the wounded area and once you get the bleeding under control, then transport the bird [...]

Signs of Illness and Injury

2019-09-20T08:23:56-07:00June 11th, 2014|Parrot Education|

Knowing what is normal and what is abnormal for your bird can save its life. These are some of the warning signs. Remember, never treat the bird yourself. Always go to an avian veterinarian. The earlier you catch signs of an illness, the better chance your bird has to recover. Appearance Shivering on perch Swaying [...]

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