Birdie Omelet with Vegetable Fruit Salad Recipe
Eggs are a high cholesterol food for Parrots. They should only eat eggs once every 21 days. African Grey parrots should never eat eggs. Dairy is not digestible by Parrots. We occasionally sprinkle a little cheese on top and feed to our new rescues that are not used to eating cooked food. You can leave the cheese out on all these recipes. 1 serving = 1 Parrot
- Organic Broccoli (if possible)
- Organic Apples (if possible)
- Organic Peaches or Sliced canned peaches in light syrup and rinse
- Organic Cabbage (if possible)
- Organic Shredded carrots (if possible)
- Organic Bananas (if possible)
- Organic seedless grapes (if possible)
- Organic pomegranate (if possible)
- Crushed red peppers
- Frozen veggies
- Frozen corn
- Eggs
- Sharp shredded cheese
- Peanut oil or virgin olive oil

Fruit Salad Preparation:
- Cut 2 types of apples in half and core out the seeds
- Cut pear in half and core (Use 1 Tbsp. per serving)
- Slice apples and pear into ¼ inch pieces (Use 1 Tbsp. per serving)
- Slice Banana into ¼ inch slices (4 slices per serving)
- Cut pomegranate in half, peal out seeds and rinse. (Use 1 Tbsp. per serving)
- Dice 1 tablespoon of cabbage in ¼ inch pieces. (Use 1 Tbsp. per serving)
- Dice peaches into ¼ inch chunks
- Mix all together in a bowl, cover and set aside
Cooking the Omelet (Part 1):
- Using one large stainless steel frying pan. (No Teflon pans) Put on medium heat.
- Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil or peanut oil for egg cooking.
- Add ¼ cup of hot water per egg serving.
- Add 2 tablespoons of cooked strained frozen corn to the frying pan.
- Add 1 teaspoon of crushed peppers per serving into the pan with corn, oil and water.
- Boil 2 cups of water for mixed veggies, per serving, in a separate pot.
- Add 1 Tbsp. of broccoli per serving, into boiling water.
- After 90 seconds of boiling, turn off the water and add mixed frozen veggies (2 Tbsp. per serving).
- Add 1 Tbsp. of cabbage portion to the veggies and corn if you desire. And/or save chopped cabbage to add to the mixed fruit salad.
- Add 1 teaspoon of virgin olive oil or peanut oil, to 1/8th cup of water, and bring to a boil.
- Add diced tops of broccoli into the water. After they become blanched, turn off heat.
- Add the frozen veggies to the hot water, and then add the chopped cabbage.
- Add 2 teaspoons of mixed veggies per serving into the oil and corn, and let simmer before adding the eggs.
- Lightly whisk eggs and place aside.
- While the corn and crushed peppers are simmering for 2 minutes on low in the large stainless steel frying pan,, start the fruit salad.
Fruit Salad Preparation
- Prepare the fruit salad by coring out the seeds of the apples and pears
- Dice apples and pears into 1/8 inch and 1/4 inch chunks. Set aside
- Slice bananas into ¼ inch slices per serving or (1 Tbsp. per serving)
- Clean pomegranate, rinse, strain and set aside (1 Tbsp. per serving)
- Mixed everything into the fruit salad bowl
- Add ¼ inch diced peaches into bowl (1 Tbsp. per serving)
- Rinse off two seedless grapes per serving
- Mix together all of the ingredients to prepare your fruit salad, and set aside
Cooking the Omelet (Part 2):
- Using a pan, turn the heat up to medium-high
- Add the corn and crushed peppers that are simmering on medium heat
- Add ¼ cup water into the corn and crushed peppers, and cover immediately
- Cook on high for 90 seconds or until water bubbles at the top of the eggs (or once the eggs start to form at the top)
- Then add two tablespoons of water per egg. With your spatula, flip over the eggs and cover again for 1 minute
- NOTE: At this time, if you wish, you can add mixed veggies into the eggs when the eggs are almost fully cooked or you can serve your frozen mixed veggies with broccoli leftovers served on the side
- Uncover the eggs again and turn off the heat. Wait one minute uncovered
- Then add shredded sharp cheese on top of the eggs, and cover the pan for 1 minute to let the cheese melt
- Serve one tablespoon of cheese covered eggs on one side of the bowl
- On the top side of the bowl, put your cooked mixed veggies and broccoli
- On the third side of the bowl, put your fruit salad
- Garnish with leftover pomegranate seeds and center one grape per serving
Fruit salad preparation
We recommend all organic fruits and veggies, if possible
- Start by cutting two organic apples in half. Core out the seeds. Then dice them into 1/4 inch pieces. Place at the bottom of a large bowl
- Then dice two organic oranges, and slice off the peel. Dice them into 1/2 inch pieces, and add them into the bowl with the apples
- Then take two organic bananas, peel and slice them into ¼” pieces
- Then use ¼ cup of organic seedless grapes per 2 cups of fruit salad, and rinse well. *(If you have small parrots, you may wish to cut the grapes in half).
- Then add the grapes into the salad bowl.
- Then take ½ cup organic blueberries. Rinse them well and add to salad bowl.
- Take one can of peach chunks, and strain the juice out of them with strainer. Then add them to the salad. Mix well and set aside.
Serving suggestions
- All parrots love it when you garnish their meals with sliced almonds or unshelled walnuts. If possible, sprinkle shelled peanuts over the dish as an extra garnish, and also to add more interest to make the parrot forage through their bowl of goodies
- Serve 1 Tbsp. of your warm veggie mix on one side of the bowl
- Then 1 Tbsp. of this specialty dish on the other side of your bowl
- Then add 2 Tbsp. of fruit salad mix, making sure that you’re offering at least three pieces of each item
- Soft billed parrots and especially cockatoos, love organic oatmeal. You may wish to make some organic oatmeal and after the oatmeal has cooled down, add in a couple of slices of peaches or any fresh fruit on top of the oatmeal
- Serve your specialty dish warm veggie mix on one side of the bowl, and on the other side of your bowl add your fruit salad mix, making sure that you’re offering at least three pieces of each item
- Finally, on the side, put 2 Tbsp. of warm mixed vegetables and your specialty dish. Garnish well for foraging
Serving time suggestions
Parrots are always hungriest in the morning hours. So it is best to serve this to them in the morning. If you do decide to feed them in the evening hours, it’s recommended to poke a dishes out of their cages within one hour after they wake up in the morning, so they’re not eating any spoiled food.